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9675 Singers Glen Rd, Singers Glen VA 22850 For Sale

${Price} {Beds}-bedroom {Property_Style plural=false caps=false}-style $285,000 For Sale At 9675 Singers Glen Rd In Rockingham County

So, is 9675 Singers Glen Rd the property for you? It could be. Above all, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $285,000? Is it actually worth $351,000 or $249,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $942 on this detached home acquisition? Are you looking for a $285,000 Farmhouse/National Folk-style detached home in 22850 in Rockingham County? Do you need 1 full baths and 1 half baths? Talk to Nesbitt Realty to learn more from a proactive ace on 22850 in Singers Glen real estate. Continue reading
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