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526 Grouse Dr, Winchester VA 22602 Listed For Sale

4 Bedroom in 22602 in Frederick County For Around $450,000

2,010 Sqft of Living Space in 22602 in Winchester For $450,000?

Nesbitt Realty tells us at a price of $450,000, 526 Grouse Dr, Winchester VA is enticing to consider. Conversely, consider that the average living area of detached homes in the 22602 area is 2,278. Continue reading
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Cardinal Dr #Lot 12a, Winchester Real Estate Dispatch

How Much Is A Historic Detached Home In 22602 in Frederick County?

Will Nesbitt likes Cardinal Dr #Lot 12a. This detached home in 22602 looks like a good value for several reasons. However, Will Nesbitt is not recommending you buy this property in particular. That's because, until Will Nesbitt know your goals there is no way for me to know if this is the dream detached home for you. There are so many questions to ask yourself.

It's hard to know what's best for another person, Above all it's easy for you to say what's best for yourself.

Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at neighborhood is electric. Do public schools matter to you? Cardinal Dr #Lot 12a is served by Indian Hollow Elementary School and . How important is it that you stay in 22602? Have you considered neighboring areas? Continue reading
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Julie Nesbitt Can Sell Your Residences At Wilde Acres In 22602

How much will real estate at Wilde Acres sell for?

What is your home at Wilde Acres actually worth? Julie Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your residence in Frederick County for free. Photo of 509 Opossum Trl Are you contemplating selling your detached home in the Winchester Area at Wilde Acres? If so, it's smart to know what homes have sold at Wilde Acres in 22602. That data can give a real estate seller a starting point for determining your $75,000 1-bedroom 1-baths cabin/lodge-style detached home's value. Photo of 509 Opossum Trl Phone Julie Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your home's value. Julie can also prepare a marketing plan to show to you how she plans to get you the best price as quickly as possible. Photo of 509 Opossum Trl

Did you know that in at Wilde Acres:

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Frederick County Real Estate Facts

Facts and data about the current state of the real estate market in Frederick County as of 05/11/2023

Are you comparing apples-to-apples in Frederick County for a detached home to buy? As a matter of course, you should study Frederick County real estate. Actually, many purchasers could be astonished by what is happening to the Frederick County real estate market. See below for more data about the current state of the Frederick County real estate market, including
  • real estate inventory data,
  • what's recently sold in Frederick County, and
  • facts about Frederick County real estate.
Our agents are happy to serve your Frederick County real estate needs. Continue reading
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Will Nesbitt Can Sell Your Detached Home In Frederick County At Wilde Acres Fast And For The Best Price

Prices and Images Of Residences Recently Sold At Wilde Acres

What is your home at Wilde Acres actually worth? Will Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your detached home in Frederick County for free. Photo of 304 Fawn Dr Are you considering selling your property at Wilde Acres? If so, it's smart to take into account what detached homes have sold for in the local neighborhood. Those detached homes can give a seller an idea of the list price for the residence. Contact Will Nesbitt to discover his plan to market your property. He is eager to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your property's market value.

Did you know that in at Wilde Acres in 22602:

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22602 Real Estate Report

Facts and data about the current state of the real estate market in 22602 as of 04/29/2023

Are you shopping for a home in 22602? Nesbitt Realty can help you find out more about 22602 real estate. If so, you will probably be shocked by what is happening in the 22602 real estate market. See below for more info about the current state of the 22602 real estate market, including
  • real estate inventory data,
  • what's recently sold in 22602, and
  • facts about 22602 real estate.
Our agents are happy to serve your 22602 real estate needs. Continue reading
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524 Quail Drive, Winchester VA 22602 Listed For Sale

A Few Matters About Homes For Sale In Frederick County

Most buyers are prepared to juggle priorities on just about everything . . . except price. 524 Quail Drive will set you back $299,999 if you want to purchase in Frederick County. If you're planning to spend around $300,000 and you're exploring a purchase of detached homes in Winchester, but you don't know Wilde Acres you'll definitely want to contact Julie Nesbitt to learn more about 524 Quail Drive. Continue reading
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22602 Real Estate Facts

Important information about the real estate market 09/24/2022 in 22602

Are you reflecting on the thought of buying real estate in 22602? Yes, it's a smart idea to learn more about 22602 real estate. On the other hand, many purchasers will be amazed by what is happening to the 22602 real estate market. See below for more data about the current state of the 22602 real estate market, including
  • real estate inventory data,
  • what's recently sold in 22602, and
  • facts about 22602 real estate.
Our agents are happy to serve your 22602 real estate needs. Continue reading

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