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109 Tinoak Dr, Stephens City VA 22655 Listed

Attention: in the Shenandoah Valley 22655 :: $400,000

It’s a good idea to learn all you can about detached homes in the 22655 area if you’re mulling over the idea of purchasing a detached home like 109 Tinoak Dr.

Real Estate Basics About Frederick County

  • The median age of homes in Frederick County is 15 years. 109 Tinoak Dr is 28 years old.
  • Frederick County has an average price per square foot of $281 . But, 109 Tinoak Dr is $302 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in Frederick County is 150 days.
  • The average living area in Frederick County is 2,145 sqft. Still, 109 Tinoak Dr has 1,274 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that vinyl siding is the most common type of exterior in Frederick County?
2061 Martinsburg Pike is the least expensive home in Frederick County. 2061 Martinsburg Pike is listed for $1,200. Still, 231 Vaucluse Spring Ln is the highest-priced home in Frederick County. 231 Vaucluse Spring Ln is asking $2,575,000. Furthermore, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. However, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 12/04/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from Frederick County about homes such as 109 Tinoak Dr. Continue reading
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119 Slippery Elm Dr, Stephens City VA 22655 For Sale

What Are Homes Like At Frederick Woods In 22655 in Frederick County?

Trying To Find At Least 2,159 Sqft Of Place In Stephens City, Virginia For Less Than $450,000?

Will Nesbitt tells us that, depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you might want to reflect on this property at 119 Slippery Elm Dr listed for $424,900. But, compare this to the average square feet (2,196) of properties in the Stephens City area to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading
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119 Slippery Elm Dr, Stephens City VA 22655 Advertised For Sale

How Much Is A 4-BR 3 BA Detached Home In 22655 in Stephens City?

How much do you want to pay for your new place? 119 Slippery Elm Dr Stephens City VA 22655 is in Frederick Woods and the 22655 Zip code and is currently advertised for sale for $275,000. This residence has 1,339 sqft of above grade living area. Will Nesbitt informs us that, depending upon your purchase budget, you might want to dream about this property at 119 Slippery Elm Dr which is available $275,000. Continue reading
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127 Slippery Elm Dr, Stephens City Real Estate Update

$355,000 - Stephens City Virginia 22655

When you're starting your search for a new property, one of the first things to establish is your purchasing budget. 127 Slippery Elm Dr Stephens City VA 22655 is in Frederick Woods and the 22655 Zip code and is currently for sale for $355,000. This place of residence has 2,088 sqft of above grade living area. If you're shopping your choices in 22655 in Frederick County and your property buying budget is circa $350,000, you may want to email Julie Nesbitt about what's available in the Stephens City area. Continue reading
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100 Tinoak Dr, Stephens City VA 22655 For Sale

What Are Residences Like At Frederick Woods In Stephens City?

Here’s some reasons about real estate in Stephens City, Virginia. Ultimately, the value of a property can be very subjective. But still, you can compare and contrast these facts with the basic data about 100 Tinoak Dr to help measure market value.  

Frederick County Secrets

  • The average days on market in Frederick County is 72 days.
  • The average living area in Frederick County is 2,185 sqft. Conversely, 100 Tinoak Dr has 1,376 sqft of living area.
  • Frederick County has an average price per square foot of $233 . Nevertheless, 100 Tinoak Dr is $233 per sqft.
  • Did you know that vinyl siding is the most common type of exterior in Frederick County?
  • 139 Geronimo Trl is the least expensive home in Frederick County. 139 Geronimo Trl is listed for $99,900. But, 690 Shady Elm Rd is the highest-priced home in Frederick County. 690 Shady Elm Rd is asking $2,500,000.
  • The median age of homes in Frederick County is 7 years. 100 Tinoak Dr is 28 years old.
Moreover, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/11/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate data from Frederick County about homes not unlike 100 Tinoak Dr. Continue reading
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